
Behavioural Science, Gamification & AI


My role

UX Designer | UI Designer


5 Months | Jan 2021 - May 2021

Tools Used

Figma, Miro, Google Docs


Sprint & Screens workrd on

Worked on multiple projects ranging around new features ideation, sitemap to delivering designs

Design Impact

Delivered many new features for our beta users based on their needs, feedback & competitor research

My Impact

As the team's sole UX designer, managed to keep everyone on task while releasing new features. Ensured constant communication between the product and technical and design team.


Scroll down for project info and projects showcase

Scroll down for project info and projects showcase

Project Info


About the project

Using principles of behaviour psychology, gamification and AI to help people achieve their goals.

Website Google Play Store



Over the course of 5 months, the team looked something like this:
Samvid Sharma - Cofounder
Lalit Arya - UX Designer
Purvish Shah - UX Designer (Consultant)
Parth Batra - Product Manager (Consultant)
Rashi Vijayvargiya - Product


Project note

Samvid Sharma has been a huge source of encouragement for me in my early design career.

I want to express my gratitude to him for having faith in me. He pushed me as a designer to an incredible degree. I've done so much work at Atom that I can't even begin to imagine showing half of it here. It's nice that he trusts me and lets me take the initiative on the projects.

Everyone on the team is extremely passionate and energetic when working on any project, whether they are full-time employees, interns, or consultants.


Project Showcase

  • Referral & Sharing

    Use Cases | User Flow

    Create a seamless user experience for sharing articles from the app across all available channels.

  • Meditation Features & Onboarding

    General Research | User Onboarding | User Flow

    Design the user experience to accommodate new features for meditation and onboard people to them.

  • Multiple Habits

    Ideation | User Flow | Competitor Research | Iterations

    Design the user experience to accommodate more habits. Enabling users to develop multiple habits using our app.

  • Journeys + Library + Multi Habits

    Features Design | User Flow | UI Flow

    Design the user experience to incorporate multi-habits, library, meditation & article journeys in our existing flow.