
Journeys + Library + Multi Habits


My role

UX Designer | UI Designer


6-8 weeks

Tools Used

Figma, Miro, Google Docs



Design the user experience to incorporate multi-habits, library, meditation & article journeys in our existing flow.

Design Impact

For the purpose of boosting app engagement and remaining competitive, various new features were designed, and new user flows and sitemaps were created.

Concepts Used

Features Design, Current User Flow, Proposed User Flow, UI Flow


Scroll down for project info and showcase

Scroll down for project info and showcase

Project Info



Samvid Sharma

Lalit Arya
UX Designer


What was the ask?


Design the entire experience utilising journeys, a library, and multi-habits.

Received requests for several new features, including new meditation & article journeys (will be provided whenever you complete one journey or get tired of the current one), a library (to explore all the available journeys and favourites), and multi-habits.  (Adding new habits alongside already existing meditation).

After designing the additional features, it was also required to create a new user flow and sitemap that would incorporate all of these elements.


How I tackled this problem?

Worked on each of these 3 new features' user experiences separately.
After that, it was requested to work on the user flow and sitemap to see how they would fit into the current app experience.


What I’ll be sharing here?

Just to keep this case study from becoming too lengthy. I'll make an effort to explain each new feature before showcasing drawings for it. Then I'll show new and recommended user flows and how all the features fit together.


New Journeys


What are journeys?

Prior to this, we only had one set of meditations topic with a small amount of meditations.

Users have been requesting that we include more meditations on different topics.

We came up with the idea to increase meditation sessions & topics to meet user needs. I have had to create the structure that will accommodate all of this.

Designs & Variations

Meditation Journeys UI
Article Journeys UI

New Library


What is library?

Because we previously planned to give users the ability to download and also like meditation sessions and articles. Therefore, we must design a repository where all of the information may be saved and accessed.

Designs & Variations


Multi - Habits


What are multi-habits?

The user's sole option before this was to add meditation as a habit. It's time to provide app users with the option to add numerous habits. By offering a wide variety of mindfulness & fitness habits to develop we can also improve app engagement.

Design & Variations

Multi Habit Journey UI

User Flow & UI Flow


Features to add

Features to add

Current User Flow

Current User Flow

Proposed User Flow

Proposed User Flow

UI Flow

UI Flow