
Multiple Habits


My role

UX Designer | UI Designer


3-4 weeks

Tools Used

Figma, Miro, Google Docs



Design the user experience to accommodate more habits. Enabling users to develop multiple habits using our app.

Design Impact

The only goal of this project was to increase app engagement by providing a wide range of mindfulness & fitness habits to develop and to stay competitive.

Concepts Used

Features to add, Ideation, User Flow, Competitor Research, Design iterations


Scroll down for project info and showcase

Scroll down for project info and showcase

Project Info



Samvid Sharma

Lalit Arya
UX Designer


What was the ask?


Design experience for new habit creation
The user's sole option prior to this is to add meditation as a habit. It's time to provide app users the option to add numerous habits. By offering a wide variety of mindfulness & fitness habits to develop, it will improve app engagement.


What were the new habits to add?



Saving money


How I tackled this problem?

I began by determining how many habits I needed to incorporate into our existing experience. Then I explored where I could fit these without altering our existing user flow.
Next came competitive research, wireframing, and final UI flow.
After presenting my work for feedback, I iterated the initial draft to arrive at the final version.


Features Ideation


What are the required features/pages I need to build to accommodate multi-habits?

On home screen
- Display today’s habits

Habits page
- Show active habits
- Allowing adding new habits
- Allowing to edit an existing habit

Explore habits page/Habit library
- Add new habit

Edit Habit Page
- Allowing to alter or delete an existing active habit

Where to add these features?

Feature Ideation


Features Ideation and competitor tracking

Ideation Flow


UI Wireframes

User Flow & Designs

Multi Habit UI Flow

Feedback & Iterations


What was the feedback I got?

Can users add new habits without using an anchor?
Should we keep habit timing and notification separate?
Should we make it possible to specify the days of the week in advance?
Variation for the habit preview.

Iterating based on the feedback


Final designs chosen after numerous iterations and changes.

Final UI Designs