
Insurance Client | SMS Opt-in


My role

UX Designer | UI Designer


1-2 weeks

Tools Used

Sketch, Miro, Microsoft office 365



To ensure ongoing communication between the insurer and the insured, increase the SMS opt-in number.

Design Impact

After presenting the work and considering all the iterations, got the recommended option from our side approved from both the US team and client end

Concepts Used

Fogg Behavior Model, Competitor research, Ideate


Scroll down for project info and showcase

Scroll down for project info and showcase

Project Info



Titiksha Dey
Product Manager

Pritika Tuteja
Associate Creative Director

Lalit Arya
User Experience Analyst

Menes Etingue Kum
Associate Partner


What was the ask?


Increase the SMS Opt-in number for the client by -
Clarifying the benefit of opting for SMS on the contact page.
De-emphasizing the elements that are not helping in making the decision
Also explaining why and how we are going to use SMS to communicate.


What was the recommended solution?

There was a lack of clarity on the benefits of opting for SMS​

The current messaging is not very indicative for users to understand the benefits of opting in for SMS. There is a need to make the messaging more explicit of the benefits so that we can help the customer take the most appropriate decision.​

There was a lot of emphasis on the Disclaimer text​

Disclaimer section is only relevant to customers who choose to opt-in for SMS therefore the idea of showing it for all scenarios takes away the context of other data on the page​.

We discussed about how customers who select "Yes, I want to opt-in for SMS messaging" should only be subject to the Disclaimer.


What is Fogg Behavior Model


BJ Fogg's Behavior Model

BJ Fogg's Behavior Model

A behaviour can only happen when these three factors— Motivation, Ability, and a Prompt—converge at the same time. When a behavior does not occur, at least one of those three elements is missing. The Fogg Behavior Model (FBM) makes it easier to understand behavior in general.


What the conclusion from Fogg's model ?

Timing is right.
Need to work on increasing the motivation to opt-in and decreasing the effort as well.


How can we boost the motivation to opt-in while lowering the effort to do so?

Competitor Analysis

Problem in current design

Current UI Design
  • A heading that asks the user if they want to opt-in or not isn't exactly action-provoking. Perhaps a catchier headline would be ideal.

  • Not making it apparent what the benefit of choosing text messages is.

  • No details are provided as to why or how we will communicate via SMS.

  • Providing details on how users can follow the status of their claim via a web or mobile app, as well as how they can do it later based on preferences.

  • Lengthy disclaimer is meant to discourage users from signing up.



UI Iterations

Selected one

  • An intriguing and inviting headline.

  • The advantage of using text messages is made very apparent.

  • Why and how we will communicate through SMS.

  • A toggle switch was also added, and the user stay opted in by default.