User Experience Design Intern
My role
User Experience Designer
About Company & Location
Hospital & Health Care
Glenview, Illinois, USA
Intern Period
3 Months
Pen and Paper
Google Doc
Founder - Sachin Ahuja
Product Manager - Keshav Kedarnath
UX Designer - Lalit Arya
UI Designer - Vishal Dhiman
The Brief
I had the opportunity to work as a User Experience Design Intern for The NURSD team, where I participated in the design process of the landing pages, registration pages and the job listing dashboard.
Even though this internship was all virtual, I learned a lot from my team and fellow interns and I gained a comprehensive understanding of the Healthcare Industry.
This was my first UX design internship which gave me the confidence to push myself and build my skills as a UX designer.
I am so grateful for the opportunities and help the whole NURSD team gave me during my internship.
Understanding NURSD as a company
NURSD Health is a B2B AI platform providing Healthcare facilities with a smart and intelligent workforce management system.
They aim to solve the last-minute staffing problem and improve care quality and patient safety.
How NURSD Solves this problem
Their proposed solution: Digitize.
They want to digitize the whole hiring process for the nurses and the healthcare facilities in one single online platform.
From viewing a Nurse to permanent hire will Reduce from the 82 days national average to less than 30 days. As candidates will be prescreened for licenses, experience, responsiveness, and more
How this solution will benefit
Healthcare Facilities -
Save time
Save money
Budget Neutral
Streamline Communication
Nurses -
Simplicity & Flexibility
Local Jobs
Enhanced education
Diverse Experience
Permanent Placement
Due to the confidentiality agreement, I cannot share the different stages of the NURSD’s User research here like Persona’s, User cases, Customer journey mapping, Competitor analysis etc…
I will just share some glimpse of different projects I worked on while interning for the NURSD
If you are a hiring recruiter and you would like more information regarding my design process at the NURSD, feel free to reach out to me at lalitarya.design@gmail.com and I'll be more than happy to share about my role and involvement with the company.
NURSD Landing Page
NURSD Registration Pages
NURSD Dashboard
What I have learned
When you work in a team it’s really important to build relationships with other colleagues not approach the project as a solo designer. Maintain constant communication between yourself, other designers, product managers and the development team. Listen to their feedback and not take them personally but grow together
The End
Thank you all for reading through this case study. Hope you all enjoyed it.